From October to December, over half a million people watched IOM X videos online. These videos included the Prisana series, which provides information about exploitation in the fishing industry, as well as three new videos: Post This (uses post-it notes to explain different types of exploitation), Connect Singapore (follows youth leaders as they quiz the public about human trafficking), and Safe Migration Tips (GoPro footage of IOM X’s youth leaders finding important symbols of a migrant’s journey in Bangkok). View IOM X videos here.
The app was developed by IOM X for the youth outreach component of its IOM X Connect Singapore event. It consists of five simple questions about human trafficking, as well as an analytics feature that measures the overall knowledge of respondents. One hundred Singaporeans took the quiz when it was trialed in a busy shopping area on 14 November. Get the app here.
IOM X’s Prisana videos were broadcast on MTV Thailand and MTV Pinoy 350 times in October and November. View the videos here.
Eight articles were generated by IOM X’s Connect Singapore panel discussion about human trafficking on 30 November. The diverse speaker group included representatives from the U.S. Embassy, Microsoft, UN Women Singapore Committee, H.O.M.E, and actress Eunice Olsen. The panelists spoke in depth about the need for the private sector, government and NGOs to work together to enhance counter-trafficking efforts, and showcased the results of such efforts. Read more here.
IOM X’s Youth Leaders organized activities in Bandar Seri Begawan and Hanoi in October and November to raise awareness and understanding of human trafficking. The activities included a music night and a film screening, and were attended by 200 people.