Made: How do I get out of here?
Tensions run high at Torres Fashion as the launch of the new clothing line approaches.
This Way, That Way: An IOM X Music Video
A poet battle takes place under a banyan tree in a village in Bangladesh.
How to Make a T-shirt
Millions of people in Asia work in the garment industry. IOM X went out to find out how challenging this work really is.
Forced labour is a common way of exploiting human trafficking victims. It is when violence or intimidation is used to make someone work against his or her will.DEBT BONDAGE
Debt bondage is when someone is forced to pay off a loan by working for little or no salary. The work performed to pay off the debt greatly exceeds the worth of the initial loan.TRAFFICKING FOR SEXUAL EXPLOITATION
Trafficking for sexual exploitation is when someone benefits financially or otherwise through the recruitment, transfer or receipt of another person who is forced, deceived or threatened into sexual acts.CHILD LABOUR
Trafficking in children (under the age of 18) is the recruitment, transferring, transporting, harboring or receiving of children for the purpose of exploitation of any kind.FORCED BEGGING
Some beggars are being forced to beg by others. They have to hand over all or most of their earnings to the person who is forcing them to beg.TRAFFICKING FOR ORGAN REMOVAL
Trafficking for organ removal is an individual being trafficked for the purpose of removing their organ(s), whereas organ trafficking is the illegal buying and selling of organs.FORCED MARRIAGE
People can be forced, coerced, threatened or tricked into marrying someone without their informed consent. Forced marriage is a form of exploitation in the trafficking process.TRAFFICKING IN DOMESTIC WORK
An estimated 1.9 million of the domestic workers in Asia Pacific are being exploited.CHILD SOLDIERS
Child soldiers are children (under the age of 18) recruited to fight in conflicts, act as porters, couriers, spies, guards, suicide bombers or human shields for an armed group.TRAFFICKING IN FISHING
More and more, fishing vessels and crew need to go far from coasts to reach abundant fishing grounds. This isolation makes it easier to exploit workers.